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Relif Funding for 9-11 Victims

By March 28, 2006No Comments

The Young Korean American Service and Education Center (YKASEC) received $70,000 from the Robin Hood Relief Fund to support their Immigrant Rescue 911 Project which assist Korean American victims of September 11th obtain relief benefits. The Immigrant Rescue 911 Project give direct assistance to three relief programs, and work with the World Vision to assist undocumented immigrants workers and residents affected by the tragedy.
In the wake of the September 11th tragedy, more than 1,000 Korean small business owners have been financially affected.Due to the high number of Korean Americans who did not know of the benefits that were available to them, YKASEC began its direct assistance program by providing information and assistance (language and/or filing applications) on three programs that were deemed most beneficial to the Korean American community.These programs were Retail Business Grant, FEMA Mortgage and Rental Assistance (MRA), and relief program for the displaced or underemployed workers from Safe Horizon, Red Cross, and Salvation Army.
Due to the various restrictions in government grants and FEMA, language barrier, and general fear in not having documentations, the undocumented immigrants have been left in the shadows and struggling to find financial assistance. YKASEC built a coalition with World Vision to help undocumented Korean Americans receive funds.YKASEC was responsible for outreaching to the community and setting up call logs to screen clients, and World Vision, with their allocated funds, handed checks to qualified clients.The funds, which are given out are used for rent, utility and other financial assistance they may have needed.

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