Building Asian American and Immigrant Power

Founded in 2005


We are NAKASEC Action Fund!

We organize, advocate, and fight for the civil, immigrant and human rights of all people in our community which include the low-income, recent immigrant, limited English proficient, undocumented, queer, young people, seniors, and women.

By 2040, one in every ten Americans will be Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI)… but our communities are consistently excluded from social, political and economic institutions. We seek to ignite and grow our community power by engaging, organizing, and mobilizing together to move forward narratives and policies that benefit all marginalized communities. We are building towards a world where everyone has essential human rights including high quality food, housing, education, healthcare, transportation, communication, and live in safe and thriving communities.

Stay Connected With Us!

We need everyone to get involved to actualize the victories our communities need and deserve. Please give us a follow to stay up to date with action alerts, hot takes, and various ways to get involved with us!

Will You Help Make a Difference?

We are only as strong as our community and we cannot achieve justice alone. Will you join us to help shape future campaigns, have a seat at the table, and, above all, be a part of a community committed to  a better world for all of us? 
Donate to NAKASEC Now!

NAKASEC Action Fund Updates

Read up on what we've been up to


OPEN: Virginia Fall 2024 Canvassers (P/T)

This November, Virginia’s voters will elect the United States President, Senate, and House of Representatives!…
Civic Participation


Join us for a screening of SUPPRESSED AND SABOTAGED 2024 produced and provided by Brave…
Civic Participation


It's not about who finishes first or last! Visit different booths that detail resources and…
Click Here for More Updates!

“Power concedes nothing without a demand.

It never did, and it never will.” 

- Frederick Douglas