Policy Agenda

Drivers Licenses for All Pennsylvanians

In Pennsylvania, without a driver’s license, most people cannot get to work, drive their kids to school, or take family members to medical appointments. In other words, they cannot meet their and their families’ basic needs. NAKASEC Action Fund PA organizes and advocates to secure drivers licenses for all Pennsylvanians, regardless of immigration status.

You can sign the petition NOW here and know more information about HB769 here.

Citizenship for All

NAKASEC Action Fund Pennsylvania believes that every person should have full citizenship, beginning with legalization of all undocumented community members. Full citizenship to us means access to fundamental human rights, including quality food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation, communication and safe and thriving communities. 

Language Access

For immigrant communities, language justice is fundamental to voting rights. NAKASEC AF PA supports increasing language access for all voters in Pennsylvania. In Montgomery County, we are advocating to the election board and county commissioners to incorporate multiple languages, including Asian languages, onto the ballots and in government published voting materials.