TEXAS 2024
Policy Agenda
Mission Statement
Policy Platform
We envision a Texas where our Asian (communities of West Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian descent) and all im/migrant community members:
Immigrant Rights
Are protected from state violence, are empowered to control their lives, and have access to resources, regardless of immigration status.
Health Equity
Have access to quality healthcare, regardless of income, language, or immigration status.
Climate Justice
Promote initiatives that address the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities, advocating for sustainable policies that prioritize environmental justice and community resilience.
Education Justice
As students have equitable access to quality education, regardless of immigration status or language proficiency.
As educators are paid thriving wages and properly informed on how to support students.
Equitable Service Access
Have equal access to essential services, including housing and social services, tailored to meet the diverse needs of the community.
Electoral Justice
Have access to accurate information to make informed decisions regarding representatives and policies that impact their communities.
Community Empowerment
Actively oppose discrimination in all forms while empowering vulnerable communities through grassroots engagement. Foster development of community based leaders and civic participation to influence policy decisions that affect their lives and promote an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity.